Mobile App

The mobile App allows you to view and control the digital display and your Synagogue from the comfort of your mobile phon

The Mobile App

The Mobile App displays information from the Digital Synagogue Board and manage the board from your mobile phone.
download from:

Google Play Apple Store

The Mobile App

Login Screen

Main Screen

Weekly Prayers

Shabbat Prayers

Times of Halachah

Holidays prayers Schedule

Vertical Synagogue Board Control

Lectures screen

Commemoration screen

Main Screen in list form

Mobile Phone Control

The Settings Screen

language Selection

Synagogue Management

Startup Screen

Login Screen

Login to the Gabai-Net

Main Screen

The main screen shows you information about your synagogue
and control the Digital Synagogue Broad

Weekly Prayers

Displays times of this week prayers

Shabbat Prayers

Displays Shabbat prayers schedule

Times of Halachah

Displays Times of Halachah

Holidays prayers Schedule

Displays prayers schedules of holidays with specific design for each holiday

Vertical Synagogue Board Control

Management of the Vertical synagogue Digital Board

Lectures screen

Display today's lectures schedules, lecture subject and lecturer

Commemoration screen

Displays Commemorations for the day, week and year.

Main Screen in list form

Displays the main screen in list form

Mobile Phone Control

Allows you to silence mobile phones in the synagogue

The Settings Screen

Allows to change many settings of the App and choose your synagogue

language Selection

Language setting screen


Synagogue Management