Chabad Digital Synagogue Board

A Digital Synagogue Board specifically designed for the Chabad community

Chabad Digital Synagogue Board

A Digital Synagogue Board specifically designed for the Chabad community

weekly Panel

Current Affairs Panel

Halachah Schedules Panel

Daily Day Panel

Integrated Panel

Memorial Panel

lectures Panel

weekly Panel

Showing related topics to the week of Chabad: Case week, Petra, Ethics, Shabbat, issues of the day

Current Affairs Panel

The panel presents the full daily study of Chabad, with beautiful, clear graphics and is customized for the Chabad public around the world.

Halachah Schedules Panel

The Panel displays
Halachah Schedules
of Chabad, with beautiful, clear graphics and is customized for the Chabad public around the world.

Daily Day Panel

The Panel displays the Daily Day of Chabad, with beautiful, clear graphics and is customized for the Chabad public around the world.

Integrated Panel

Displays information from a variety of subjects at the same time with beautiful, graphics and is customized for the Chabad public around the world.

Tree Of Life

The commemoration of deceased people is customized for the Chabad worldwide.
The screen displays the memorials for the day, the week, and the year
You can set the exchange rate between the dead and exposure time. All the candles on the screen are flashing.

lectures Panel

Displays lectures in table form with with beautiful, graphics and is customized for the Chabad public around the world.

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